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Search Results - Showing 1 to 100 of 345 results.
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Last Name, First NameLocationSocietyDate of Burial
ABELSON, AARON1-T-2-R02-279BERD Y M8/20/1915
ABELSON, ABRAHAM1-T-2-R02-245BERD Y M3/12/1924
ABELSON, CELIA1-T-2-R02-244BERD Y M5/30/1933
ALTMAN, BESSIE1-T-2-R05-184BBERD Y M4/18/1999
ALTMAN, NATHANIEL K.1-T-2-R05-184ABERD Y M2/7/1973
ALTMAN, SHELDON1-T-2-L05-116BERD Y M5/28/2009
AXEL, LAZAR1-T-2-0245-158BERD Y M7/15/1926
AXEL, S/B1-T-2-R10-059BERD Y M8/4/1925
AXELIAD, ISIDOR1-T-2-R10-SB16BERD Y M8/20/1917
BASS, IRENE1-T-2-R09-110BERD Y M2/9/1932
BATKIN, DORA1-T-2-R01-249BERD Y M5/10/1987
BATKIN, JOSEPH1-T-2-R01-248BERD Y M9/23/1963
BEARMAN, JENNIE1-T-2-L10-035BERD Y M7/4/1929
BELENKEN, BENNIE1-T-2-R05-189BERD Y M7/16/1953
BELENKEN, SARAH1-T-2-R05-190BERD Y M11/9/1934
BELMAN, LOUIS1-T-2-R07-162BERD Y M6/18/1925
BENDER, IDA1-T-2-R09-320BERD Y M11/19/1933
BERKOWITZ, LOUIS1-T-2-R08-337BERD Y M7/18/1954
BERKOWITZ, NATHAN1-T-2-R08-336BERD Y M2/9/1944
BERNSTEIN, JENNIE1-T-2-L09-021BERD Y M7/25/1917
BERNSTEIN, SARAH1-T-2-R09-319BERD Y M11/20/1933
BIRNBACH, IRENE1-T-2-L03-147BERD Y M1/23/2000
BIRNBACH, JULIUS1-T-2-L03-146BERD Y M1/11/1981
CASTELLE, RUTH1-T-2-R10-029BERD Y M7/1/1926
CHADNOW, MORRIS1-T-2-R07-157BERD Y M7/28/1927
CITRAN, ROSE1-T-2-R09-SB7BERD Y M1/14/1916
COORMAN, HYMAN1-T-2-R01-258BERD Y M11/2/1942
COORMAN, JENNIE DINA1-T-2-R01-259BERD Y M12/22/1935
COORMAN, ROBERT1-T-2-R01-260BERD Y M3/6/1923
CORENMAN, CELIA1-T-2-L06-105BERD Y M7/20/1945
CUTLER, SOPHIE1-T-2-L09-056BERD Y M7/21/1939
CUTLER, WILLIAM1-T-2-L09-055BERD Y M12/13/1937
DIAMOND, BELLE1-T-2-L10-039BERD Y M12/20/1933
DIAMOND, EDWARD1-T-2-R01-257BERD Y M6/10/1985
DIAMOND, FEMALE1-T-2-L10-039BERD Y M12/20/1933
DOLMATZ, SADIE1-T-2-R04-199BERD Y M6/17/1975
DOLMATZ, SAM1-T-2-R04-198BERD Y M7/7/1961
DOLMATZ, SAMUEL(ZALMON)1-T-2-R02-230BERD Y M11/28/1943
DOLMATZ, YETTA1-T-2-R02-231BERD Y M1/9/1941
DRESPEL, BENJAMIN1-T-2-R06-183BERD Y M5/14/1924
DRESPEL, REBECCA1-T-2-R06-182BERD Y M2/23/1968
DREY, FROIM(EPHRAIM)1-T-2-L08-058BERD Y M5/13/1938
DREY, MARY(MIRIAM)1-T-2-L08-059BERD Y M12/5/1951
DUBOV, CHARLOTTE1-T-2-L01-315BERD Y M10/19/1949
ELKIN, SAMUEL1-T-2-R05-193BERD Y M9/14/1932
FELDMAN, EMANUEL1-T-2-R08-014BERD Y M5/28/1922
FELDMAN, ESTHER1-T-2-R03-216BERD Y M8/28/1981
FELDMAN, OSCAR1-T-2-R03-217BERD Y M11/9/1947
FINKELSTEIN, IDA1-T-2-L07-079BERD Y M2/18/1983
FOX, BERNARD J.1-T-2-R05-185BERD Y M4/23/1936
FOX, FEMALE1-T-2-R10-C58BERD Y M2/14/1939
FOX, NORMAN LEO1-T-2-R05-184BERD Y M9/21/1961
FOX, PETER1-T-2-R06-171BERD Y M7/3/1934
FOX, REAH1-T-2-DIS-030BERD Y M1/6/1928
FOX, ROSSE1-T-2-L01-314BERD Y M4/27/1928
FOX, SARAH1-T-2-R06-170BERD Y M10/2/1938
FRANK, HARRY1-T-2-R02-241BERD Y M7/31/1989
FRANK, ROSE1-T-2-R02-240BERD Y M10/16/1992
FRANKEL, LEO1-T-2-R04-200BERD Y M8/9/1964
FRANKEL, YETTA1-T-2-R04-201BERD Y M9/18/1981
FURMAN, MORRIS1-T-2-R07-161BERD Y M1/3/1926
GELLER, SAM1-T-2-R02-237BERD Y M2/7/1952
GELLER, YETTA1-T-2-R02-236BERD Y M2/17/1960
GELMAN, SAMUEL1-T-2-L06-095BERD Y M12/27/1950
GERBER, ANNA1-T-2-L03-136BERD Y M1/21/1927
GERBER, BERT1-T-2-L03-138BERD Y M5/12/1964
GERBER, FRANCES1-T-2-L03-139BERD Y M12/17/1972
GERBER, FRIEDA1-T-2-L03-141BERD Y M2/3/2005
GERBER, LOUIS1-T-2-L03-137BERD Y M2/18/1932
GERBER, WALTER1-T-2-L03-140BERD Y M1/7/1981
GILBERT, HERMAN1-T-2-R08-330BERD Y M8/12/1930
GILBERT, JENNIE1-T-2-L10-037BERD Y M4/5/1932
GILBERT, SAM1-T-2-R01-282BERD Y M11/4/1913
GILLMAN, MINNIE1-T-2-L06-096BERD Y M7/8/1973
GLASER, FANNIE1-T-2-R09-008BERD Y M3/26/1916
GLICKMAN, LOUIS1-T-2-R07-153BERD Y M12/9/1927
GLICKMAN, SARAH1-T-2-R08-334BERD Y M11/14/1939
GOLD, ANNA1-T-2-L06-012BERD Y M9/23/1919
GOLD, HYMAN1-T-2-L09-054BERD Y M2/23/1937
GOLD, S/B1-T-2-L06-SB12BERD Y M10/7/1919
GOLDBERG, HYMAN1-T-2-L09-046BERD Y M1/10/1934
GOLDBERG, MAR(MIRIAM)1-T-2-L06-013BERD Y M12/1/1918
GOLDBERG, SAMUEL1-T-2-R07-262BERD Y M8/22/1923
GOLDBERG, SOPHIE1-T-2-L09-047BERD Y M2/28/1943
GOLDSTEIN, ANNA1-T-2-L05-009BERD Y M8/29/1920
GOLDSTEIN, GOLD1-T-2-R10-284BERD Y M2/22/1914
GOLDSTEIN, HERMAN1-T-2-L08-068BERD Y M12/24/1941
GOLDSTEIN, JASBY1-T-2-R09-009BERD Y M7/18/1924
GOLDSTEIN, JENNIE Z.1-T-2-L07-080BERD Y M6/4/1958
GOODMAN, ISADORE1-T-2-R08-340BERD Y M10/24/1948
GOODMAN, ROSE1-T-2-L09-022BERD Y M5/10/1917
GOODMAN, ROSE1-T-2-R08-341BERD Y M6/11/1962
GORFEIN, SOPHIE1-T-2-L01-316BERD Y M9/23/1984
GORFIEN, JACOB1-T-2-L01-317BERD Y M7/31/1950
GREENBERG, BELLA1-T-2-L02-298BERD Y M6/11/1973
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